院長 新藤 勝之 D. D. S. Ph. D 歯学博士
日本歯科大学卒業(1985)、 東京歯科大学矯正歯科学教室卒後研修過程(1988)、「まちの歯ならびクリニック」(1988~現在)、 日本歯科大学解剖学教室第一講座にて歯学博士、Dr. R. M. Ricketts(米国)・ 日本構造医学 吉田勧持博士(物理学・ 医学)より学ぶ. 日本矯正歯科学会・Bioprogressive Study Club・東京矯正歯科学会・日本構造医学会 における発表:① 頭蓋顔面の成長解析、 ② 矯正歯科臨床における貴金属ワイヤーの応用、 ③ 個体差に配慮した生物学的メカニクス の考案、④ 側貌セファログラムを用いた日本人小児のタイプ別顔面頭蓋の成長予測法、現在 矯正歯科専門医向けのセミナーを主催.
院長 新藤英略歴
Dr. K. Shindo D.D.S. Ph. D. had been “already like the person” under the influence of the teacher in the elementary school. He entered Nippon Dental College where his grandfather and father went. He received the orthodontic training of the full-scale correction in three years of Tokyo Dental College orthodontic post-graduate course, 1985—1988. It was spring of 1988 that he opened the clinic in local Hachioji the town where he was born and raised.
Besides daily practice, he went to the medical office of Nippon Dental College progress dissection for further study, 1989— 1996, and it helped for private practice a lot.
Even if a simple question of the world best American orthodontic clinician Dr. Ricketts ...... “In the first place what is Orthodontics practice in relation to the public?” that the answer has not been found, it had been a driving force to let his clinical afterward. Furthermore, he was endowed unexpectedly at an opportunity learning Biomechanics and evolution factors of the human at Structural Medical Science Research Foundation(SMSRF https://kouzouigaku.jp), 1998— present, with having met Prof. Kanji Yoshida of the Global Environment Medical care Meeting chairperson.
The clinical basic system is Bioprogressive. He feels himself freshness these days by looking back toward the clinical practice from a viewpoint of SMSRF medicine humbly, and examining it on and on.
Both “Long Range Growth Forecasting” as a diagnostic and prognostic tool, and the application of precious metal (various type of gold alloy) wire are thought to be convincing safe clinical progression.
On the other hand, he has enjoyed himself writing such as Buddha, Confucius, Goethe, Kikaki (the most popular Haiku poet in Edo era) these days. He published Kikaku’s latest work “Ruikouji” as a book in 2012.